Jetpack Compose Journey

Samson Achiaga
1 min readSep 4, 2021

Hi there, nice to have you again. In my previous post, I talked about starting a Jetpack compose 30 day challenge starting September 1 and documenting here. So far, I wasn’t able to document but I’ve being learning. So in this post, I’ll be sharing all I’ve learnt in the past three days.


On the first day, all I did was just a background search about Jetpack Compose; what its about, why learning it is important as android developer. Basically just a general overview about Compose.


On the second day, I started taking lessons on Jetpack Compose from the official documentation page. I learnt about composable functions, layouts in compose (Row and Column), using modifiers, Image elements, Text elements, Spacer Elements, Material Design in compose(just some basic stuff), LazyColumn, LazyRow. All I this basically was to follow the lessons here.


On the third day, I learnt how to use ConstraintLayout and I started implementing Jetpack compose in one of my previous project.


On the fourth day (today), I’ll be taking the codelabs offered by Android Developers and hopefully complete it.


So far, its been fun using Jetpack Compose and I find that its quite easy to learn (thanks to Android Developers). I hope to keep the momentum

Thanks for reading.

